"I humbly accord faith, i.e. trust, to the holy Scriptures, desiring to hold, believe, and assert that whatever is contained in them as long as I have breath in me."
"If the papal utterances agree with the law of Christ, they are to be obeyed. If they are at variance with it, then Christ's disciples must stand loyally and manfully with Christ against all papal bulls whatsoever and be ready, if necessary, to endure malediction and death. When the pope uses his power in an unscriptural way, to resist him is not a sin, it is a mandate."
"No other foundation can be laid than that which is laid, Christ Jesus... The pope, who has usurped this power, does not wish to hear that Christ asked Peter three times before he granted him the keys whether he loved Him. Only after Peter declared his love for Christ did He bid him to "feed His sheep." Now the pope and man priests do not love God and do not feed the sheep; they do, however, snatch the keys in order to possess worldly power."
- John Huss (1370 - 1415)
Because of his convictions and zeal in speaking against the pope and in favor of the authority of Scripture, John Huss was burned at the stake on July 6th, 1415. Nearly 100 years later, Huss's writing would mentor Martin Luther.
May there always be men of conviction who will stand up and proclaim the Word of God and demand that it alone have authority in the church.