The following sermons were delivered at the Green Oaks Church of Christ in Arlington, TX in November of 2015 by Brother Greg Gay.
Bible Basics Part 1. Brother Greg discusses a number of fundamental issues to the Christian faith regarding the content, preservation, and translation of Scripture. Life's Mistakes Revisited. Brother Greg Gay delivers a powerful sermon on the difficulty of admitting one's wrongs, repenting of them, and overcoming them to accomplish good in the kingdom. He used the examples of Demas, Judas, and Mark to craft a powerful sermon that all can learn from and find application in their life. Right Relationships Part 2. Brother Greg Gay addresses the topics of family roles, parental roles, child training, obedience, and building proper relationships with the family and church. Why should people attend the Church of Christ? Because of our hope of heaven. Follow along as Brother Greg Gay share's the Christian's hope of glory. | Bible Basics Part 2. Part two deals with the history of Bible translation, methods of Bible translation, types of Bible translations, and basic rules of Bible interpretation/hermeneutics. Right Relationships - PART 1 of a 2 part video. Brother Greg Gay addresses the topics of family roles, parental roles, child training, obedience, and building proper relationships with the family and church. Ezekiel's wife was referred to by God as "The delight of your eyes." What is it that should be the delight of the people of God's eyes? |