Michael Shank was a young ambitious salesman in his early twenties who was challenged by one of his co-workers to open his Bible as if for the first time and begin seeking truth. Over the course of several months Michael began to question what he had always believed because of what he was finding through the study of Scripture. Michael’s studies lead him to abandon the denomination in which he grew up, investigate numerous other denominations, and finally discover the Lord’s church where he obeyed the gospel.
Two of the beauties of Michael’s story is that it shows there are still souls looking for truth and it also underlines the importance of trying to study the Bible with anyone who is willing to listen. Michael’s co-worker Randal provides a great example of how to approach friends and co-workers with the gospel and patience.
Throughout the book Michael addresses all of the typical objections people have to the gospel and provides Biblical answers to them. Michael addresses numerous false doctrines such as salvation by faith only, once saved always saved, the thief on the cross, the social gospel, and the sinner’s prayer. At the same time, Michael advocates the existence of truth, the need for Bible authority, the existence of one true church, the gospel plan of salvation, the necessity of baptism, the abolishment of the old law, and many other important issues. Michael not only presents the truth of God’s word on a diverse range of topics, but also demonstrates how to share those truths with others.
Michael Shank has a “no-holds-barred” type of approach as he tackles the false doctrines that he overcame and encountered on his journey towards truth. It’s rather refreshing to hear someone in today’s era of political correctness call a spade a spade and not be ashamed to declare the truth of the Gospel. In the introduction to the book, Michael warns his readers that by reading the book they will either be compelled to change or become angry. Michael’s assessment is spot on; out of 700+ reviews on amazon.com the crowd is dramatically split – people either love it or they hate it. Many have been challenged to change (the book boasts over 10,000 baptisms as a result of its efforts) and others cry of legalism.
I personally found this book convicting and encouraging and hope others will read and consider it. I especially hope Young people in the church will read Shank’s book as it will help to better equip them to give an answer to anyone who asks.
The book was written with the intention of sharing it with unbelievers and I believe it to be a great evangelistic tool. I have personally shared a copy with a friend recently and it has opened up the door for further discussions. Purchase a copy for yourself and consider purchasing additional copies to share with friends and family members if you find it as helpful as I have.
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