In religious conversations people often argue, “I don’t believe God would send someone to hell for one…” and then they fill in the blank with whatever sin they feel is not that “big”.
Humans tend to have a different perspective on sin than God. Man, based on his own authority, decides that some sins are not as bad as others, and that some sins are not worthy of eternal punishment. Based on their own reasoning many attempt to turn some “smaller sins” into “non-sins” and thus excuse certain behaviors.
For example, some argue, “I don’t believe God will send someone to hell just because they drank a single glass of wine.” Others might say, “Oh, its just a little white lie.” In other words, drinking wine or telling a “fib” is not really a “big” deal; in fact, maybe we shouldn’t even classify them as a “sins”. Since we don’t “feel” such behaviors are sins worthy of eternal punishment, they must not be.