The rule of God as is taught by the faithful of God is looked upon as a burden to be cast off. With joy and celebration brethren are casting off the yoke of Christ and declaring they will never return from their new found freedom.
Jeremiah’s questions still ring true: “Has God been a wilderness or a land of darkness?” Has God not made provisions for His children and offered them unique guidance through His word? How is it that brethren’s view of Christ and his reign can become so twisted? Why is it that many view the Law of Christ as a yoke to be cast off? (Matthew 11:30).
Though many abandon Christ and his church, while mocking and ridiculing both, they often claim innocence in their rebellion. Often the cry is raised, “Surely a loving God will not send someone to hell over __(insert the sin of your choice)__!” Thinking their action is justifiable and beyond reprehension, they run wildly from God trusting in His mercy and ignoring His righteousness and wrath.
The final question in verse 36 is the most haunting of all: “Why is it such a light thing for you to change your way?”
Human nature never changes. Its nearly 2,700 years later and many of God’s children maintain the same attitude while counting it a light thing to change their way before God. How is it that brethren can preach truth for years, and worship according to God’s set pattern, and then overnight exchange both for a “different way?”
To leave the path of God and run wherever you please is the sin of idolatry and rebellion. Whether one runs after other gods or elevates themself to the position of God makes little difference; both are equally damnable.
May the closing words of Jeremiah ring clear within our ears:
- “From it too you will come away with your hands on your head, for the Lord has rejected those in whom you trust, and you will not prosper by them.” (Jeremiah 2:37)